Study at Chaitanya-Chaitanya boasts of a beautiful campus, lovely in-class features and wonderful people to light up the most integral years of your life. University is where one pursues the desired tools to build their houses of desire and we attempt to make this time a wonderful phase. We want to establish a fun learning atmosphere and a budding campus to help aid your personal growth and confidence. We want you to be the best you can be, you want you to make the best we can be.
What makes us Chaitanya-We want to be a unique experience. We want you to discover through us the right methods and models to lead an ideal, inspired career. However, above all we care about educating you to make hard decisions and be a better person. We want to teach you the value of service, the logic of reasoning and an attitude of helping. These ideas make us, and we want you to be the very best of us.
The University has devised its own unique At-Home-ExamTM, Online Assessment System to save time, money and energy. Results can be announced soon in a foolproof way. The At-Home-ExamTM System has got all the security features with absolutely no chance of impersonation, consultation, copying and time gap.
AT-HOME-EXAMTM is based on the advances in online proctoring software. The software makes it difficult for cheaters to cheat. Advanced auto proctoring and live proctoring help prevent cheating. Live proctors can help detect any suspicious behavior or cheating. The University got it registered under Trade Mark on February 29, 2020.
In tune with the UGC latest policy and the MHRD, Chaitanya (Deemed to be University) has initiated a collaborative, multi-stakeholder, multi-pronged, people-centric, inclusive, participatory consultation process of education. LIFE SKILLS PROGRAM® (LSP) is one of them.
LIFE SKILLS PROGRAM® (LSP) covers communication skills, soft skills, ICT skills, critical thinking, problem solving, environmental studies and value education (page 5 of UGC Guidelines on Skill-Based Education under NSQF). Some modules have practical / hands-on portion of the skills component in face-to-face and online modes, conforming to the QPs /NOSs. We can inculcate human values in our students through art, culture, literature, management and technology. We can have Fit India through Ayurveda, health and yoga for
holistic personality.
Glad to know that online classes are in full swing in all the departments now. Hope you are continuing them as per the schedule announced well in advance. Please make your online classes open to the students of other colleges and universities too. We can extend this generous gesture to the students who do not have access to online instruction at their institutions. These online classes keep the students safe in their houses and update and upgrade their knowledge. (see Annexure – I for the status of online instruction at CDU)
No one ever made a difference by being like everyone else.